I notice some people write Dear Diary but since I am writing in my diary I don’t think I need to say that.

Today went pretty well. The baby woke me up right on time a little after 4am. When he stops I wondered if I will just wake up on my own. I took care of the baby and then crawled back in bed. Matthew pulled be over to him and started kissing me. He got between my legs and was kissing my chest. He put himself inside me. I moaned with pleasure. He went in and out maybe four times and I came. He stopped and gave me a strange look. I don’t know if he was thinking, I just got started or should I go ahead and finish. But then he started again and shortly finished. It still felt really good until the very end. I don’t know what caused it but I think it is his smell. He just smells so good and with all these hormones I have running around inside I just pop. He moved over next to me and pulled me onto his shoulder. I was so happy. After a while he said lets give us a shower because we are eating down stairs today. The shower was great and I just felt really good.

Jean, Serena, Daniela, Jack and the two boys. Also Megan and her two kids also came to breakfast and everyone was so happy. The happiest was Hunter. She had her daddy back and was he was spoiling her to no end. We had finished and was sitting around talking when Carlson called and wanted to know if Matthew and Jean could come look at some equipment that came and also I heard him say Matthew needed to meet with his 3 guest. Matthew said sure I will be right there. Jean and Matthew got up and went off to see Carlson. Megan doesn’t have a boyfriend yet but with something like 400 people living here it shouldn’t be long. Just after Matthew and Jean left my stomach flipped. I looked around and could not find anything but a cloth napkin to throw up in. I said, I am so sorry and ran off to Mom’s bathroom. I lost my whole breakfast. I had been doing so good. I stuck a whole bunch of tums in my pocket. I was happy Matthew was not there. I was not ready to tell him but wondered if Mom had already.

Carlson showed Matthew and Jean the equipment they ordered for testing. Also asked if they wanted the boxing ring outside until they decided what to do with it. Jean started looking at the new tank they got. Matthew grabbed 3 electrolyte-rich sports drinks, duck tape, chalk, twine and headed down to the basement. He went in to the first man. He duck taped his hands and neck to the chair. He was worried he was getting to skinny and would get out of the metal restraints. He open a bottle of one sport recover drink and gave it to the man as he asked him questions. The man had not been to cooperative with Carlson. He told the man you are not getting out of the chair until you tell me what I want to know. The man said, I hear you torcher people for information. Matthew replied, I would think sitting in that chair is torcher so maybe that is what they are talking about. The man finished the drink. Matthew took the chalk and twine and drew a large circle around the chair. He then wrote don’t cross this line. Then sat on a table out side the line and started asking questions. The man was not very helpful. Matthew said, Well I have work to do so when you decide to talk let me know and we will get you out of the chair. Matthew left and went to the next man and did the same thing. That man did answer more questions but not what Matthew was looking for. Matthew told all the guards if you go inside the circle and I find out about it you will be the next person in the chair. He said, that would be a shame you are such fine men. Why don’t you just stay out of the room and check on them through the windows. They all agreed they didn’t like going in the rooms. After the third man Matthew went back to Carlson’s office and returned the Duck tape and told him about the line. That no one is to cross the line for any reason and when they are done with these men he wants the line permanently painted on the floor. He said even if the man is having a heart attack or you think he is dead don’t cross the line. I told the guards to pass the word.

At 2pm we all went to the doctors office. Daniela and Megan left their kids in the family room with Cindy and Amy. They didn’t think they would understand what was going on. The doctor told us not to worry she had done hundreds of these. She put some numbing spray for circumcision on the baby but he was still screaming bloody murder when it happened. When we got back to the family room Matthew went and got one of his baby shirts on and put him in it. He was trying to comfort him. He told him you are going to be happy we did this now because it would hurt more if we did it later. I think he was happy to be back next to his daddy.

We went to the family room and Matthew was in the floor playing with the kids. Mom went and got Matthew a front carrier because the shirt wasn’t working now the baby had gained weight. The baby peed and started crying. Matthew grabbed the baby bag and started changing the baby in the floor. He put some more cream on him and Daniela’s boys started asking questions. Matthew explained the doctor had remove the foreskin. They asked Matthew if they had foreskin and Matthew said they would have to ask their Mom. Then Josh asked Matthew the same question and he said you will have to ask your Mom. Josh when to his Mom and asked if he had foreskin and she said, no it had been removed like baby Wyatt. Daniela’s boys saw and heard that so they went to Daniela and asked her and she said you still have your foreskin. The boys said why and Daniela said we didn’t live in a safe place so things like that couldn’t happened. Daniela said, Jack and I am getting married. After that Jack is going to adopt you, which officially make him dad and then you and your dad can talk about it. The boys both went over and one on each side was hugging Jack. Then one of the boys said to Jack, do you have your foreskin. I thought Jack was going to laugh. He whispered in their ears no. Then one of the boys said, are you going to do that to us? Jack said only if you want to do it. You are big enough to decide. The boys sat back down next to Matthew who was finished changing the baby. One boy looked at Matthew and said, What does adopt mean? Jack was looking at Matthew waiting to see what he was going to say. Matthew had been the boys first real father figure and Jack was a little jealous. Matthew looked at the boys with a smile and said, When a man loves a child with all his heart he gives the child his last name. That is called adopt. This tells everyone he loves the child and will always love and protect them from harm. That he will never let anyone hurt them. Just like when he marries your Mom she will have Jack’s last name which mean he loves her with all his heart. They both went, really. They got up and went back and hugged Jack and said, we love you too. One boy said, can we call you dad? Jack said, yes I would really like that. Daniela’s face lit up with a smile. She put her hand in Jack’s hand.

At dinner we were almost all done when Carlson called Matthew. He got up and went out the door to talk on his phone. I could still hear him clear as a bell even though no one else could. Carlson asked if Matthew had told the guards not to go in the circle on he would put them in the chair. Matthew responded, yes. I need them to follow orders beside they can check on them for outside through the window. Carlson said, they can’t empty the buckets. Matthew said, that’s fine I will work on that problem. Carlson said, the second guys has given me all the info I think he is going to give me. He keeps saying that you said, if he told you everything he could get out of the chair. Matthew said, I can’t let him go because he will be back in a week or two with more guys and kill everyone here. Let me know when you are done with him and I will give him a shot. Carlson agreed and told Matthew the guy said he picked up a contract from a Russian guy. Matthew replied, Him again. Call me when you want me he take care of anything and thanks for the info. Matthew came and sat down. We were talking about lawn games for the kids and summer swimming lessons. All of a sudden I smelled two women. I think this special smell and hearing was my bodies way of self preservation and to protect the baby. I whispered to Matthew I smell two women. Matthew said, they are most likely talking about cleaning the table. After a few minutes I heard one women say to the other women, Do you think they liked my cupcakes? I looked above my plate and there was this large beautiful cupcake. I picked it up and pealed back some of the paper. It was Chocolate with chocolate ganache topping. One women said to the other woman what if the don’t like them I worked so hard to make them. I wanted them to be really good. When I heard that I took a bite. It had a cream cheese center. I touched Matthew’ s arm and whispered, take a bit out of our cupcake. I waved at Mom take a bite. showing her the cupcake. Mouthing take a bite. She looked confused but everyone who had not eaten their cupcake followed. I did a thumbs up. I saw the two ladies coming in and said, Wow, this is got to be the best cupcake I have every had. The cream cheese filling is amazing? I did a thumbs with to Mom. Mom said, yes it is really good. The two ladies now at the end of the table heard this and were all smiles. One said, You really like my cupcakes. I said, yes. Mine is so good. She replied, I have be taking lesson from the pastry chef and these are my first ones. I am so glad you like them. Mom spoke up and said, yes I agree they are so good. The woman said, thankyou and they both left. I heard one say to the other one this is so great they like my cakes. The other lady said, I told you they were good. Mom was all smiles and said, If you don’t eat all your cupcake take it with you, if you would please. Everyone was happy that they had made the woman happy. Besides they were really good.

At bed time the baby slept with Matthew. Matthew kept him close to him all the time except when I feed him. Hunter was upset about that and had to sleep in-between us. It was all fine with me that she was sleeping on my pillow with me, I was just happy to have Matthew home and I love Hunter so much. The baby woke up crying shortly after we went to sleep. He didn’t want anything to do with me he was in pain. Matthew changed his diaper putting the jell on and gave him some Tylenol. After a few minutes he was fine. I noticed it was really bothering Matthew that his son was in pain.