The baby woke me up at the usual time and when I opened my eyes I was in Matthew’s arms. He was just looking at me. He had lovingly woke me twice last night and made love to me. It was out of this world. So great. I said, what are you doing? He replied, Just looking at you. Do you want me to take care of the baby. I said, No. I am fine. I kissed him and got up to take care of the little guy. He crying and looked like he was trying to turn over. I thought he was going to come looking for me if I didn’t show up. I picked him up and he stopped crying right away. I took care of him and then returned him to his bed. He was a happy camper. Matthew was still in bed. I said, I am going to take a shower and he replied, I can’t take a shower with you today. I will not have the strength to leave. I will take one after you. I smiled and went off to the bathroom. A while later I was brushing my teeth when I heard Hunter laughing up a storm. I opened the bathroom door and looked out. Matthew was on the floor and Hunter was on his back with her arms around his neck. Matthew had his toes on the floor and hands. He was doing push-ups. Every time Matthew would go down and back up Hunter would laugh. I couldn’t watch. I thought what if she falls off. He is not that far from the floor. I shut the door and continued getting ready. When I came out Hunter was standing on Matthews toes holding on to one leg and Matthew was doing sit-ups. Every time he would come up to his knees he would go kiss with his lips. Throwing Hunter a kiss. She smiled and laughed. I wanted laugh too. Hunter was having the time of her life. When he finished I took Hunter so Matthew could take a shower. He kissed me and said, I have to make sure I have everything packed so I will meet you out at the pool. I said with a big smile, Love you. He went in the bathroom and I took Hunter and got her ready with a new clean summer dress. She looked at the dress and seemed to approve. When I was ready I put Hunter and the two bags in Wyatt’s little bed with wheels and pushed it out to the table at pool side. Cindy was there and saw me. She came and picked up Hunter. Cindy gave her to Mom who wanted to give her a morning kiss and hug.

This morning was really great, the only thing was Matthew was leaving. I wasn’t worried. I had been feeling really good. I think my body had this new sence of smell and hearing because my brain didn’t want what happened to Wyatt to happen to the new baby. I felt I was on top of the world and could take on anything. The kids and myself were going to be sleeping with Mom while Matthew was gone. Mom had said she missed us not being there at night. Matthew showed with his bags in his black shirt, hat, jeans and black boots. Everyone looked at him. I was looking at the women with their mouths open. I think Jean who looked just as good was looking a Serena. Matthew sat down at the table just as the food came. Hunter wanted to sit on his lap and he couldn’t turn her down but was putting napkins on her and on his lap. After we ate two young men came and stood one on each side of Mom. Matthew said to Mom, you remember, Paul and Scott? Martha’s boys. Mom said, yes. Its great to see you. Matthew said, we cleaned out two rooms by the front door that we didn’t use because they had no windows and have move Paul and Scott in them until I get back. They can better protect you if there is any problem. Each man got down on one knee on each side of Mom and said, We don’t want you to worry while Matthew is gone because we will be by your side 24/7. Mom said, thankyou. They got up waved at Matthew and went back to what they were doing. Matthew said, their mom was a druggy and died from a overdose leaving their dad a single father. Their dad died on a mission so I ask my dad to bring them here. This women here Martha took them in a raised them as her own. She was the mom they never had. Carlson and I have placed other men around for extra protection. Matthew turned to me and the other people at the table. He said, We have put new security measures in to protect you and our home. Everyone at the table said, thankyou. Jean said, Its time to go. He kissed Serena and said, we will be back as soon as possible. Matthew kiss Hunter and me and got up placing Hunter in his chair. He grabbed his bags and headed off with Jean. Hunter stood up in her chair and yelled, daddy. When he didn’t turn around she started crying. I know Matthew could hear her and it was breaking his heart. But he didn’t look back.

The rest of the day was very nice with swimming, playing games. Hunter, Wyatt and I took a nap on a blanket near Mom’s chair. When I hit the pillow I was already missing Matthew but he wasn’t going on a mission that I should worry about, so I just needed to be patient until he came back.