The baby woke me right on time. I took care of the baby. Put him back in his bed and laid down on the bed again. Hunter was not in bed with me last night. She fell asleep while I was changing her diaper for bed so I put her in her own bed. Swimming must have wore her out. I was laying there thinking when I meet Matthew I was sick, had lost a lot of weight and could hardly walk. Now I felt great, am pregnant with maybe another boy and feel I could take on anything the universe could throw at me. I was thinking maybe I should go back to running the track or maybe the treadmill in the gym every morning. That’s what I will do. After taking care of the baby at 4am I will go to the gym for a run on the treadmill. We have several treadmills maybe Daniela will want to come.
We were sitting at the table talking while waiting for breakfast when I noticed Scott and his brother Paul at a table just watching us. I asked Mom should I asked them to join us for breakfast. She said yes. If they decide to eat with us have them sit here next to me. I said, ok. I got up and went over to their table and said, Mom wanted to know if you will eat with us. They said yes and we headed to the table. I pulled out a chair next to Mom who was at the head of the table and said these are your seats. One set on each side of Mom. She started talk to them and then the food came. It was great as usually. Hunter who was in her high chair next to me frowned at Paul. She didn’t like Paul sitting between her and Mom. Besides isn’t that where Matthew sat. Every once in a while she would frown at Paul. I wanted to laugh at the face she was making. Scott and Paul were going to eat we us until Matthew got back. Daniela’s boy were coloring. I got a coloring book and with Hunter on my lap I tried to show her how to color. I held her hand with a crayon in it and tried to keep her in the lines. Everything was good for awhile but then she wanted to do it herself but she couldn’t keep on the page. I decided to take her in the pool to take her mind off the coloring. Keeping Matthew out of my mind was hard especially at night. Everything just didn’t seem the same without him.